Freshly awarded Dr. Craig came to visit us in Australia and we had a lovely time sharing our apartment with him. We had plenty of opportunity to test the various Aussi beers, we had to stock up after a week. And for sure we had some time to show Craig around in vast Western Australia.
Wir sind gen Sueden gefahren, ca. 90 Minuten, nach Lake Clifton wo lebende Fossilien zu bewundern waren im untiefen Wasser, sogenannte Thromboliten. Diese waren echt spektalulaer und der Clifton See auch recht beeindruckend. Eine ganze Reihe von Seen hat sich hier geformt parallel zum Indischen Ozean.
Our KFC lunch at the lake was marvellous, we enjoyed every bite, as did the little birds.
Beim wandern um den See haben wir viel Schilder gesehen von Tieren die man dort finden soll. Gleich neben dem Schild mit grossen Echsen war dann ein eher kleiners Exemplar zu finden. Andrew hat ihn mal auf die Hand gelegt...zum Glueck kam die 1m lange Mutter nicht vorbei.
Dafuer haben wir die fliegende Spinne entdeckt, ...the flying spider, oh god....wir hatten diese schon aus Metern Entfernung gespottet, ich dachte mehr an einen Kaefer. Das Netz haetten wir glatt uebersehen, evtl. Folgen fuer Gesundheit unbekannt.
Well, it looks like a man coming out of Mc Donalds with is BigMac who got surprised by some Marsupials.
Craig's first kangaroos, as predicted they turned up at dawn at the lake feeding on the bushes and grass. And there were many of them, and large ones...Western Gray Kangaroo...huge beasts...we saw them boxing later on another trip, very impressive.
That's more the original size of the Western Gray Kangaroo, it was staring at Andrew while he was taking a foto of the lake. Luckily no kick.
The following weekend we decided to go North again towards the Pinnacles National Park. On the way we could witness the beginning of the wild flower season when the dry shrub land is covered by tiny flowers.
The Pinnacles are a 'Must see' in Western Australia for each Tourist. We even spotted the Emu traces in the desert sand. Craig missed to spot the Emu's on the way home.
And for sure, Craig has a great sense of humor, guess why.
On the way home we stopped in Yanchep National Park where we were surrounded by plenty of Kangaroos. And we tried our luck to spot the Koalas by night in the Eukalyptus trees.
And yes, they were active like never before, eating the leaves and climbing in the trees making lots of noise. We spotted 6 of them. One came down from his tree to say goodby Craig.
As Craig summed up his stay in Australia and with us: Guys, it's been emotional.