Cairns, a holiday town is situated in the North east of Australia. Last time we visited this region, five years ago, we did not had the oppertunity to see a platypus (vogelbekdier) due to a draught which had all rivers and creeks dry.
But this time:
Amazing animals, which got stuck in transition: mammals who lay eggs.
We did a full daytour to the tropical forest, where a palace was build by a Spanish guy. Unfortunately he did not foresee the flooding which occurs very often in this region. Eventually the family abandonded the palace in the 70-ties.
It was a nice week of holiday for me. Jens, of course had to attend the conference. I just went for lunch and hang around for some of the management sessions on environmental law and policy in the afternoons.
We had some great nights out with colleagues of our Centre and drinks on our balcony with priceless views:
Surinaamse nostalgie Look what the kangaroos dragged in (for 3 weeks...):
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