zaterdag 13 augustus 2011

Doing the right thing

This week was focused on counting all Australians. One of the things we noticed when we arrived here was that you don't have to register yourself at the local registration office. Basically they'll find you, if necessary, through your TFN (taxfile number). So how does the government get information on the population? Well, every 5 years there an census. It is compulsory to complete the whole form. Failing to do so can result in a fine of up to $ 110 a day!!
After hearing that, we decided to do the right thing and complete the form.

Today - Saturday 13th of August- were are heading downtown to participate in a rally. A demonstration for equal marriage rights for everyone. It has been 7 years ago since the goverment passed on same-sex marriages. Almost 80% of the population think it's about time to fix the wrong.
So hopefully this government will do the right thing!

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